I'm sorry that I haven't visited or posted in a while. Things remain crazy at work. Our bathroom remodel is progressing but not done yet. My husband has to fit it in between other work.
My poor Bailey, the beagle, has been under the weather. We are not really sure exactly what happened. He may have eaten something he's not supposed to or gotten into the construction materials. We've tried to be so careful. I have been at the vet with him three times over the last week and a half. I think he's on the mend now. He is like my child so it's been very stressful.
I hope to start posting again. I miss you guys.
Poor Bailey! I bet you've spent a fortune, but they are out babies, how could we deny them treatment? Get well Bailey!
Oh Nan!! Are you sure he's going to be okay? Now I'm worried which I know is silly since I don't actually know Bailey, but still! Give him a kiss for me and a hug from Shiloh (or a butt sniff LOL) and tell him that we hope he feels better soon. Let me know what happens...
Poor dear, I sure hope he is on the mend.
Life gets busy sometimes and we all understand that.
Take care. God bless.
Oh Nan, sweetie I hope your poor puppy is feeling 100% better very quickly, and that all the goings on at your house settle down for you soon! When you get a moment, I have something for you over at my place! Hugs for you sweetie pie!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
GOSH...I have missed you deeply!
And worried about Bailey...glad to hear he is on the mend. Poor little fella.
I'm sorry this has all been so stressful to you. Everything happening at once is the pits !!
Take care, my sweet little friend,
Hi again Nan :)
I have something for you over at my blog when you get a chance.
Very sorry to hear Bailey has been ill. Roscoe and Mosby send barks of good wishes his way. We all hope he's feeling better.
I jumped over from Rue's.
Just wanted to say Hi!
I hope Bailey gets better soon. We have 2 Beagles so I know.....They EAT ANYTHING!!
Hope you are feeling better real soon!
Sandra Evertson
Nan - have missed you.
So sorry to hear about Bailey but glad he's on the mend. Pets are like children and those of us who have a pet understand completely.
Hope things will begin to go more smoothly for you and your back blogging soon!
Hi Nan...Hope Bailey is all better, by now!
Thanks for coming by the back porch!
Sorry to hear about Bailey. Has he been to the vet? I really hope he's better by now. A big hug from big Zeke to him ~ please get well soon.
Good Morning Nan,
I'm sorry that Bailey has been under the weather lately, but hopefully he will start getting better. I know those Vet bills are just like regular doctor bills aren't they? I hope you get your bathroom remodeling job done soon. I know you will be glad when it's done. I've been a bad blogger lately and haven't had the "want to" to post or visit much. I think it's because of all the rains we have been getting. We have had our fair share and then some. They are saying we could have a Tornado outbreak here tomorrow and tomorrow night. I am already nervous about that and it just worries me to bits and pieces to think of that. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
I sure am missing you.....*sigh....
Your neglected old friend...
Hiya Nan sweetie! Just stopping by to say hi and see how you are going. Miss you and hope all is well!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
Oh Nan, so sorry to hear about Bailey, I hope your baby is better soon, I've missed you but certainly understand how demanding life can be.
Hi Nan...
I'm new to blogland, and found yours via Rue's. It's a lovely blog and I look forward to visiting often.
Was sorry to learn about Bailey and his health woes. It's amazing how deeply we love our precious pets; they truly are family. I've sent up prayers for him and your family... bless his heart.
Please, take care and when things settle down for you, I'd love to have you stop by for a visit.
Respectfully... Pearl
I hope Bailey is doing OK. I just got back from my vacation and your are still "in absentia". Miss you!
Sorry everything has been so stressful for you with the fixing up the bathroom and the sick puppy dog. How hard! I hope by how everything is a lot better!! Love and Hugs Grams
Oh poor little Bailey! I just went through the same thing with our Miss Gigi and she's finally on the mend...no more fatty people food scraps for her though. Hope your baby feels better soon.
I sure am missing you and hoping things are going to slow down soon so you can COME BAAAAACK !!
HUGS, bj
Just stopping in to say hello. Sounds like you're still busy, take care.
Just stopping by to check on you Nan. Hope you are all better by now and having a lovely start to the week sweetie!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
Hi Nan, just wanted to say hello...you have had lots going on. Hope thing are getting back to normal. So sorry Bailey's been under the weather. I hope he's better now....we love our animals and they are just like family. Linda
Hope your Bailey is feeling better..
I'm under the weather, too, allergies. Maybe your furbaby and I could hole up together!
oh, I hope your pup is better!
They get into everything...
looking forward to your return, with pictures!!!
xxxoo Ruth
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