A friend of mine sent me this sweet story.
By Betty LeBaron Mostert
When I was a child in the 1950s and 1960s, our Christmas traditions were not elaborate—except for the stockings. Because we children enjoyed our Christmas stockings so much, we continued the tradition when we married and had children of our own. Buying surprises and assembling dozens of Christmas stockings, however, soon became too much for my aging parents, especially my mother, who had a serious case of rheumatoid arthritis that limited her mobility and energy.
Eventually, I volunteered to take over the project. Our annual extended family home evening, in which we acted out the Christmas story and opened our stockings, found me exhausted from the demands of being the mother of several small children and juggling the events of an active life. As I watched everyone dump treasures out of the gingham Christmas stockings I had carefully prepared, I was feeling a little sorry for myself.
As expected, my stocking was empty except for the standard candy cane and Japanese orange that I had placed there earlier. But as I shook them out, I noticed a little bedraggled mouse made of a walnut and hazelnuts. One ear was much bigger than the other, and the whiskers were crooked. The tail had been cut too short, and the loop to hang it on the tree was off center. I was confused. Had someone’s kindergarten project ended up in my stocking?
I looked up and saw my mother watching me from her wheelchair across the room. With a gnarled, bent finger, she beckoned to me.
“I wanted to do something for the Christmas stockings,” she said. “They made these little mice in Relief Society, and they were so cute.”
Her tears were close to the surface, and her gentle voice shook as she continued.
“I couldn’t get my fingers to work, so I made only one. It didn’t turn out, but I knew you wouldn’t mind.”
I looked again at the little mouse in my hand. She was right. I didn’t mind. In fact, her little bedraggled mouse became the most precious treasure of all that Christmas.
For more than 20 years, I have tenderly removed the tissue paper from the misshapen mouse crafted by misshapen fingers and carefully placed it on a branch. My angel mother has been free of her crippled body for several years, but her Christmas mouse reminds me of two profound truths.
The first is that my mother honored me by believing that I could look past the mouse’s crooked ears and feel the love and sacrifice that went into its creation. The second is that if I, as an imperfect mortal, am capable of finding beauty in a humble little mouse, how much more is our Father in Heaven capable of seeing past our imperfect efforts and understanding our pure intentions.
I know that when we do our best to give to others and to Him, our gift is not just good enough—it is of incalculable worth.
What a precious posting, Star.
Hope your job is going good...I know you must really stay busy now.
Take care...and many hugs,
Good Evening Nan,
Okay now, pass the tissues. That is such a wonderful story. I am just almost speechless. What can one say after reading a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing it with us. I really enjoyed it. I hope your job is getting easier on you. I do hope yall have a safe trip to Wisconsin tomorrow. I will say a prayer for yall for safety travels to and from Wisconsin. Take care my friend and have a great evening. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
Hey Nan,
It's me again. I just ready your comment and a BBQ pie is made up of chopped up BBQ meat, corn chips, cheese, and BBQ Sauce. It's pretty good. I've had it before. It's a Southern Food I guess. LOL. When I first ate it, it was the first time I had tried it too. Take care my friend and have a great evening. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
What a wonderful fabulous...truly, truly sweet story! You just blessed us so much...what a reminder and what a precious, precious mother!
Thank you for sharing this little bit of wonderfulness!
smiles, kari and kijsa
What a wonderful story. It brings a tear to my eyes and makes me realize how truly lucky we are.
Enjoy your trip to Wisconsin.
Hi Nan... Well I'm with the other gals.....where's the Kleenex??!!
That truly is a wonderful Christmas story... Thank you so much for sharing.... It really does make one remember what the true meaning is...
I wish you alll th best in the new year
Big hugs
in cold snowy southern ontario canada
Thank you so much for posting this story. I am crying as I am typing this.
You are right our gifts to the Lord are priceless in his eyes. No matter how big or small they are.
What a wonderful story Nan. Thank you so much for your sweet Christmas wishes! I know you and family enjoyed a beautiful Christmas Day! Have lots of fun on your trip!
Wow...tears before coffee this morning!!
Thank you so much for sharing...that was beautiful!
Thanks for sharing! Please have a safe trip to Wisconsin and have a good time!
I bet you have been really busy with a new job and Christmas too! Love and Hugs Grams
What a beauatiful story, Nan! Tears here, too. Thanks for sharing it with us. Hope you have a wonderful new year!
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