December 31st is definitely a day for celebration. It's not only New Year's Eve but our
dear friend Jean's birthday! It's not every day you get to be 70! Especially looking so good. Please drop by her place at
Sweet Nothings and wish here the very best birthday ever.

Here's to you my friend.................................................................
Thank you, oh, thank you, oh, thank you, Nan, my friend. What a sweet and thoughtful and fun thing to do!
I love you lots and am so proud to have you as a friend!!!
Thank you again for this lovely gift.....
hugs, bj
Good Afternoon Nan,
I will wish BJ a very Happy Birthday as well. She is really a great and fun person. I so enjoy visiting her very much. "THANKS" for reminding us of her birthday. Hope you are having a good time in Wisconsin. I will be praying for safe travels on your way back home. Take care my friend and have a great Sunday. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
How sweet you are. I am going over there right now.
Neil Sedaka and his double tracking- what bliss when I found your blog and this suddenly burst out at me. Took me right back to my teenage days. He is still going strong too!
Hi, I did remember her Birthday a little while ago, (I have been over there) because I will be the big 7-0 in August and I remember bj telling me we were almost the same age and where did the time GO!
She is so sweet and fun and I am so glad I found your blog and hers too!
Love and Hugs, Grams
I've been to BJ's and still am reeling that she is 70 years old...she don't look a day over 50!
Happy New Years. I've opened a new blog but it is by invitation only. If you would like an invite, you'll need to email me at the new email in this profile.
I hope you come and see me, I've missed you!
Love & Hugs,
Hi...just wondering when you will be going home? Have a safe and blessed trip, StarBright!
hugs, bj
Happy Birthday to your friend Jean..and boy does she look great! 70 are you sure??? She just looks sooo good! Ok, I'm off to moisturize - ha! Sweet Birthday Blessings, and Happy New Year to you and your family!
BJ is a hoot isn't she??
I hope you have a Happy Happy New Year!!
What a sweet friend you are! Happy Birthday to BJ!! I will pop over to visit her
Hi Nan!!
It is so nice to meet you! Thanks for having a party for bj! What a great idea. Come and visit me more often.
Happy New Year!
Thanks for the tip and the sweet birthday wishes! I'm on my way over to see BJ!
Happy New Year!
Sandra Evertson
Oh I love surprise parties and bj deserves this one so much!!!! To be 70 years young...
Nan, wishing you a very happy new year filled with love, laughter and much joy...many blessings to you as the year unfolds!!
Oh....Nan...we love it....you are the very best. This is our first surprise party and we are honored to be invited (and of course it couldn't be for anyone nicer)!
Have a blessed and prosperous New Year in 2008!
smiles, kari and kijsa
Surprise! Happy birthday! YOU have GOT to tell us how to look that great at 70! Some of my friends at 50 don't look as awesome as you!
Nan, so sweet of you to have this party! Share your recipe for that cake, ok?
That is so sweet of you, I did wish her a happy birthday thank-you for inviting me to your party!
What a wonderful idea. Thanks for inviting me. We can party all night.
How cute... what a fun party. I've already dropped by and wished sweet BJ a happy birthday.
Nan, I'm wishing you a very Happy New Year and all the best to you in 2008. Linda
Thanks for inviting me to the party! How fun..everybody is celebrating her day! Happy Birthday BJ and have a great 2008!
A Big Happy New Year to you! And thanks for the heads up on BJ's birthday! I am heading over there now!
Awwww...isn't she beautiful??? Wow!!! I wanna Look that good NOW dangit!!! hehehehe
Love your blog.. and the picture of your house is sooooooo pretty with all that lovely white snow on it :) :) :)
Im so jealous!!!
hugs..and Happy New Year!!
Thanks for inviting me to the party! I will definitely be stopping by her blog to wish her a Happy Birthday.
Happy New Year to you, and may it bring you everything your heart desires!
Oh, what a wonderful idea! I love it! 70? Are you kidding me? She looks amazing!
You are a great friend, what a sweet thing to do.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BJ, I am on my way over to your place to hug you in person.
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog to let me know.
Hugs, Amy (Mom to the Four Sisters)
I just got off work and found this! Happy Birthday, BJ! Yeah!! :D
I hope I look HALF as good as you do at 70!!
Thank you, Nan, for inviting me, even if I showed up a little bit late! :)
I just wanted to say Thank You again for the blog birthday party. I have had such fun today and you were a HUGH part of it. So many people came to see me and it was such fun!
Happy New Year, Friend!
hugs, bj
Thanks for stopping by my blog to invite to bjs birthday party.. What a great idea. She's such a sweetheart and so are for for tossing this bash. Hope everyone is having a good time. Sorry I can't stay long..Good night.
Bless you all.. Happy new year ~Mary~
Such a special celebration for such a special lady:-) Thank you so much for inviting me!! Happy New Year to you and yours. xox
What a sweet post Nan, you're a sweetheart! Isn't BJ just the loveliest lady?! Happy birthday to our dear BJ! And a Happy New Year to you dear Nan! I hope 2008 is a wonderful year for you and your family sweetie!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
Thanks for reminding me! Loved the party.Happy 2008.
Oh Nan!! I just love surprise birthday parties!! Thanks for the invite!! Isn't BJ awesome!? A hoot and a hottie woo-hoo!! How great of you to do this!! I'm heading over there right now!!
Happy New Year!!
This is just beautiful!what a wonderful thing to do for sweet BJ
Kristina XxX
What a lovely idea. Hope your week is going well.
Oh, Happy Birthday to BJ -- a sweeter lady you could never find! She can't possibly be 70, though; she really looks more like 50! I'm going to go on over and leave her some more birthday wishes right now.
Thanks, Nan, for hosting this great party.
and Happy New Year to you!
Good morning, Nan! I visited BJ and wished her a happy 70th. She looks wonderful!
Happy New Year!
Nan, I was so honored to be invited to the virtual birthday party for BJ. BJ is just the cutest and I was delighted to meet her this past year. Thank You and Happy New Year to you.
Oh my goodness! What a day!
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