In 1971 President Richard Nixon proclaimed one single federal public holiday, the Presidents' Day, to be observed on the third Monday of February, honoring all past presidents of the United States of America.
See what Snopes said about President's day.
I worked today, but many people had the day off. I hope you had a good Monday. How did you spend It?

Hi Nan!
Well I had to work too...but I ended up getting off 1/2 day so I could take my boys to their dental appts. it was cleaning time....they weren't happy! Boy that floating in the pool sounds really good right about now!
Hope you have a great week. It's blowing really hard here and it's very very cold!
Adorable pictures! I spent the day in my studio, finishing up some mosaic favorite place to be :-)
Good Evening Nan,
"HAPPY PRESIDENT'S DAY" to you. Sorry you had to work my friend. Our bank and post office was closed. There was even some Schools that were out, but not ours. I love the pictures and wish I was at a pool. LOL. I layed around and caught up on my sleep or tried to. I cooked supper for me and the girls and did some laundry. Take care my friend and have a great evening. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
I worked and then out with hubby and granddaughter to eat steak.
You are invited to a SURPRISE BLOGGY BIRTHDAY PARTY for kari this Wednesday, Feb 20.
She is turning 40!!!
I would love for you to stop by the party on Wednesday to surprise (hopefully!) the birthday girl, enjoy a bite of cake, sprinkle a little of your magic birthday dust, and check out the party favor giveaway!
I had a nice day just puttering around.. nothing special.
I loved your 99 things. It was fun reading all the interesting facts about you. Have a nice week. Linda
These are all cute, Nan.
Sorry you had to work...I spent some time at the mall with grandkids and Stacy!
hugs, bj
What a cute post! I picked out fabrics and furniture layouts for a lady who was moving! It was great fun, I do love my work (thank goodness!)
Happy day!
Those pictures are soooo cute! Thanks for sharing. Christy :-)<><
Those pictures are too cute!
As it was snowing "again", I stayed in and blogged
in other words not much different from any other day.....
I tried to get caught up on some blog reading and am still getting caught up. I love that kitten picture ( as I listen to Sophie snore in the chair net to me).
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