No this isn't me. Maybe I would be this thin if I was 6 ft. tall. This is kind of my look, only on a shorter chubbier level.
I am in search of the perfect accessories for my new office at work. I know I should be focusing on "the numbers" but please...............................we have to look good while we're working don't we? My office has green and yellow/gold walls with green cabinets. I am fortunate to be in a fairly new building, just a year old. I like these colorful items because they are not just pretty but they will help keep me awake. LOL These are all from Room Service Home. I will probably search some local stores for less expensive versions of these looks. How do you like them?
I'll take pictures of my office once I get it prettied up!

Good Evening Nan,
Dang, I thought that was you. I could have sworn I passed you in the Hallway at work. LOL. Yes, Women have to look nice on their job. I do like the outfit tho. Well, I must say, I have never in my life seen a tray where you could lay your glasses down. What will they come up with next. LOL. I do hope you can find you something for you office alot cheaper. When you have time, stop by. I have something for you on my today's post. Take care my friend and have a great evening. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
Very nice pretties you have chosen for your office..I love the color palette.
Congratulations on your award,I always enjoy my visits.
The pictures plates are a neat project..I liked them.
Hugs, Linda
Girl you have found some cute stuff. I am shopping for a new home office. Our taste is nothing alike, but I love your finds.
That's a cute pant suit.... I, too, like the more tailored look.
What fabulous, colorful acessories for the office. Can't wait to see photos of your office later....
hugs, bj
Looks bright and cheery....just what you need to keep the nose to the grindstone :-)
The way I look at it you should have a pretty place to work. Makes going there so much easier. Love the colour palettes.
Stop on over and pick up your award and enter my giveaway.
You're putting my office to seems so boring now after looking at your stuff....blah...blahh is how I feel now - ha! Love your finds..can't wait to see it!
I'm all about office supplies, too - I fill my desk with pottery to hold paperclips, beautiful mugs to hold pens and special little creations from my daughter. I can completely relate! Love the stuff you found, wow!
LOVE the glasses holder, especially since I lose mine so often. I love the suit, too.
Great looking assessories! Very colorful. good looking pants suit also.
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