After the holiday cookies and goodies, it's time to get back on track and go to the gym. We are fortunate to have a really nice center only a few miles from us. The center also has a really nice indoor pool. I renewed our membership for Christmas and I hope my good intentions pay off. I am also trying to decide whether or not to sign up for Jenny Craig or one of the other weight loss food plans.
Do you have any "skinny recipes" to share or any other ideas? Also, what diet plans have worked well for you? My SIL has had great success with Weight Watchers.
I have a really hard time getting motivated. But, enough is enough. I'm tired of being chubby!!!!!! My Bailey the beagle is also on a diet. He's not loving it but he's lost 4 lbs. in a month.
Wish me luck.
Good Afternoon Nan,
Well, I don't have any skinny recipes. LOL. I'm not a skinny person myself. I have tried diets before, but they don't work for my. One time after I found out I was a Diabetic, I cut down on what I ate and walked everyday(weather permitting) and I lost some weight that way. We don't have a gym around here. I do have a treadmill at the other house. I guess I should bring it over to this house and put it to use. LOL. I wish you much luck on a diet. Hopefully you will find one that works for you. There are many out there, but I could never afford any of them. My Sister lost alot of weight one year by drinking Slim-Fast and eating those Healthy Choice meals. She walked also. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
Maybe we should try what worked for Bailey. Bet if we ate dog food for a month we could lose a lot of weight, LOL.
Sorry, but it just struck me funny which all the Christmas pictures definitely did NOT.
I'm sure you'll do great!
Yes, it's that time again...to get fit and lose these extra pounds put on while gorging on the good stuff. I'll be going back to my Canada Food Guide..fibre, fruits, veg, low sodium, low sugar...eating things that are good for me...according to dieticians.
Good luck with working this off...and it's amazing when we realize we are not alone!!
Best wishes, Nan. I'm back to getting water back in my diet! Fruit and veggies, too!
I have no skinny recipes, other than fruits, veggies and fish and chicken...whole grains and no white stuff! I wonder if this will work for me, this time.
Hi, Nan, I'm with you! Was at the gym already today & planning to lose about 5 lbs. that I've managed to pick up. Thanks for the well wishes for the New Year. I wish you & yours a very Happy 2008 too!
Here is what I do......it is very simple. Eat less. Move more.
That is it. I don't give up things I love. I just EAT LESS. And I don't join a gym. I just walk more. Take the stairs. Park the farthest from the door. Wiggle when I a brushing my teeth. Dance in the living room to my favorite song, etc. MOVE MORE.
It works. :-)
Oh, dear...my hubby has fought weight all his life and has such a hard time dieting. It is the hardest thing in the world! I do wish you all the luck in the world...
hugs, bj
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